Sunday, July 26, 2009

On Silence & Solitude...

David and I took today off. He is riding his mare with our teacher/trainer, Dave Seay over at MacCarthy Farm. For me, a day off means puttering. I cleaned the house, took care of some duties that simply must happen each day for this business to operate, napped and now I am enjoying....silence.

Max is on the sofa, occasionally opening one eye to make sure I'm not fixin' to head somewhere on the ATV without him. Bobbie is belly up on the other end of the sofa, all 4 legs in the air, snoring. Scrappy-Sack-O-Taters is in front of the doggie toy box, wondering what time we're going to eat. Missy has dibs on the floor by the French Doors and Emma is manning the landing to the loft. is downstairs, likely curled up in a pile of laundry that was clean but will now need to be washed again.

When I was single and a young assistant professor at Georgia Southern, I would run myself into the ground, and then come here to regain my perspective and my sanity. When we moved here, well, let's just say this job requires a tremendous amount of hands on time. The views and the scenery never fail to take my breath away, but it occurs to me how little time I get in total and complete silence. It isn't just something I like; it is something I require.

For me, it is only in true silence that you can contemplate your life, evaluate what is working, and just listen to your heart. It is restorative. As I look out the windows at the hummingbirds, hear the faint tinkling of the windchimes and watch the tree limbs moving slightly in the breeze, I realize I don't need stuff to satisfy me. I do need silence, solitude and the chance to connect with my spirit.

Here's hoping you will carve out some quiet time for yourself each day.

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